‘The Harvest’ — limited edition relief print

A black and white relief print of a harvest mouse on a bramble bough covered in ripe and ripening blackberries. The mouse’s prehensile tail is curled around the top of the brow in the picture, mingling with the bramble leaves.

‘The Harvest’, a limited edition relief print is available in time for Mother’s Day.

Does this little one’s body language remind you of anyone caught with their paws in the biscuit tin?!

I had so much fun carving this one. There are so many textures: the ridges of the leaves, the shiny berries, the mouse’s pelt, even its little hairy feet all needed different marks and strokes to depict them.

I have only once seen a harvest mouse’s nest. I was out for a walk with my beloved Grandma when she stopped and motioned for me to look at a tiny little round ball of woven grasses nestled at the top of some stems of wheat. We stood for what to my younger self felt like ages but we didn't see the mouse itself.

I like to think it was off eating blackberries, hence this print!


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The ‘Instruments of Hope’ Series of Relief Prints