A close-up look at the texture of a relief printing block

The texture created in the surface of a relief printing block. The cut away parts are stained dark grey while the surface has become almost the colours of brass.

Would you look at that texture!

Usually a plate looks pretty bad once it’s been cleaned a few times but the plate for ‘The Listening Post’ looks like oxidised metal on a bronze sculpture.This zoomed in photo of the block gives you a good idea of the marks I used to make the barn owl’s feathers in this print. Most of them are tiny and this close up they look pretty abstract but zoom out a bit and you have an owl!

A linocut relief print of a barn owl. This close up is of the owl's head feathers showing the variety of marks making up the image.

‘The Listening Post’ is available to purchase, but it is an edition of just 40, so when they’re gone, they’re gone!

A linocut relief print of a barn owl standing on a weathered post head slightly tilted listening for prey.

Happy Easter 2021!


Jazz Hands! (Or how I keep your prints oil-free)