Happy Easter 2021!

A human-made nest constructed of birch and alder twigs, scraps of material, and yarn. Seven tiny, palest blue, crocheted eggs sit in the cup..

Happy Easter! And if you’re really not feeling it this year, at least you can console yourself with chocolate for breakfast.

A couple of years ago I developed a pattern for a simple crocheted little round bird.

Every time I wanted to make another one, I’d pop into the local haberdashery to grab another ball of yarn and show them the latest addition to the brood.

One day they asked if I would let them put my flock of Little Round Birds in the window for Easter.

As I was saying, “Yes, please, that would be lovely,” without even thinking I added, “... and my friend Rob could make some nests and we could add in some bits of fabric and yarn from the shop, and I can crochet some eggs to put in them.”Just like that, quick as a flash the idea popped into my head and a spring collaboration was born!

A human-made nest constructed of birch twigs, scraps of material, and yarn. Five small pale brown crocheted eggs sit in the cup.

So, here are the teeny eggs in the beautiful nests Rob made. It took a little while to come up with a pattern for the three different sizes of eggs because I wanted them to be as close to life-size as I could get them.

A human-made nest constructed of birch and alder twigs, scraps of material, and yarn. Five tiny, bright blue, crocheted eggs sit in the cup.

It turns out that the plural noun for Little Round Birds is a Rainbow! 🌈

Sixteen little round crocheted birds in a bow shape arrsnged colour order from darkest blue to palest pink. Beneath the arc are five “special edition” little round birds, a blackbird, a ring-necked parakeet, a hyacinth macaw, a robin, and a ptarmigan

‘Alert’ - Limited Edition Relief Print


A close-up look at the texture of a relief printing block