‘Leftie’ the little eco mollusc with a BIG heart!
‘Leftie’ is a little eco mollusc with a BIG heart! He’s helped me cut down waste ink and paper in the studio.
Flower sketches in spring
A series of “lino sketches” I made to celebrate the return of the light after the Winter Solstice.
Selling prints in the great outdoors
Today my friend Rob and I did our first in-person sales event for a couple of years and my first as a printmaker.
My prints have gone to the pub!
My prints are now hanging in the newly and beautifully refurbished The Drummond at Albury, part of the PeachPubs family.
How would I mount my prints?
People often ask how I would mount my prints. Hint: black core mountboard all the way! ;)
Wildflowers, clouds and a photobomb
Is it Cow Parsley, Queen Anne’s Lace, or—eek!—Mother Die?
When “No” is not a rejection
A little pep talk for those of us receiving more “no”s than “yes”es.
Let it go and move on
In the interests of full transparency, I make mistakes. I know. Shocking, isn’t it?!
Now you can buy me a Ko-fi
I’ve just got myself a Ko-fi page!
If you haven’t heard of it, Ko-fi helps people who make things get support from the people who like those things.
Happy Christmas (2020)
Have a good holiday (goodness knows you’ve earned one this year!) and let’s hope for a brighter New Year.